jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Why Geography?

Hi blogheads

When I was eighteen years old I finished my school time, I did PSU  same year and I had good score but I didn't know what study so I had to convince my parents that I wanted to study Laws because It request a high score to apply. Then I took class to prepare the test again.

I studied in Cpech for one year. I knew many interesting people in a workshop to Good Mark People, first I thank that I would find just bookish people but I was surprised because I fund different things. My History teacher was funny and worried about his students, He always said "You have to organize your time" and when I was personal issues He always advised me.

One day I heard my History teacher advising to a friend about various degrees and I listened the Word Geography, It was an unfamiliar degree because I only heard a couple times about it. So I started to investigated and I discovered that Geography sounded like a perfect degree.

Left only a few day for the test and I was between psychology and geography. When I had my results I had an excellent mark and I needed choose. I compared this two degrees and I choosed Geography for his amazing diversity I knew that I would never bore studying it.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again

Hi :3!

Today I have to talk about film that I'd like to watch again. I use to watch horror movies because I love all that I can feel watching this films and my prefer is The Conjuring. I don't remember when I saw it first time but it was amazing and I watched with my two sisters and my boyfriend. We use to see films eating some snack and drinking beer at home, always is a good time to see movies with nice people.

It's about a family with an enchanted new house, some strange thins are happened and the family mother think that is paranormal, She go to see a couple of experts in this things and they will help. After of research the experts conclude that in this house died an evil witch that want to kill all family members and they will need an exorcist to chase out this witch. Horrible things take place in this house but finally the expert can release of the evil, but at finally It see an scene that look like if the witch follow the exorcists at their house with their child

I want to see Annabelle because have a good trailer and It's from the same directors I hope good things about this film.

What's your prefer film? Leave a comment ;)

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

GNR Concert


Hi bloggers :3

Today I'll talk about the only concert that I attended in my life. First, I love many genre of music but I only have two or three bands that I love it and I use to be miserly with these things. I prefer save my money.

On 2011 I went with my prefer cousin and with my boyfriend to see at Guns and Roses on Chinese Democracy tour in Movistar Arena. I choose this concert because It was my prefer band at this moment and I thanked that It could be an amazing experience with my two favorites men.

We had to be much time in a long line to go into and when we reach it we had to wait until 1 AM to see GNR. The bad part that have to wait so time was that the horrible supporting sound , It was bad amplified and bass sounds disgusting but when the lights turns off We known that the show be started. The first song was amazing, I was hearing these chords and I only could thought in some thing, "they're playing my favorite song of all my life". They were playing Don't Cry, but we never thanked it could be, because this song is under copyright of Slash.

We enjoyed all and ate hot dogs when finished it. It was a wonderful day with nice people.

The next group that I hope to see is Rata Blanca, I'm just waiting that they return soon.

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miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Free post

Hi bloggers!

This night I will write about my new hobby, Cooking :3!! I always wanted learnt to cook because I really love eat but I never had a good inspiration.

I started cooking salad potatoes with mayonnaise and tomatoes with onions because it was my fancy. Later I asked to my middle sister tough me how to cook health food and I learnt many things.

When I was 15 years old I used to cook with my best friend before afternoon class but It was insufficient I wished made desserts. The next year I started a relationship and It was the incentive that I need to improve my skills! Christmas was coming and I needed a special gift. A good friend taught me who make tasty cookies and I suit well with my boyfriend and my family, even now my sister asked me every month my special cookies.

Before that I learnt to cook many desserts with my boyfriend help and his family and my family enjoyed it too much :)! They always bought all ingredients to my desserts *-*! and It was so flattering.

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jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A Special Place in Santiago

Hi bloggers

Good morning everyone :3!!

Talking about a especial place in Santiago is so difficult because I prefer nature before city. If I tried to remember about some a nice place I will say that "Cerro San Cristóbal"is the best. It was located between Providencia and Recoleta and is a mountain with enough vegetation to look pretty.

I went there first time with my father but I can't remember that. I visited this place many times with my boyfriend because there are many Downhill tracks and sometimes I go with friends to walking between threes and making trekking, but that I really love is go to see cyclist doing his big jumps and riding between threes and rocks It's so amazing!! I love see ducks too, there is a pond with many ducks and goose.

I think that "Cerro San Cristóbal" is a beautiful place to visit with friends and family besides we can go to make exercises and enjoy nature. Additional have two pools and one zoo, but I dislike see animals in cage and I can't understand why people enjoy that.

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jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

A family meal :3

Hi bloggers.

Today I have to talk about a family meal. I chosen the first "Day of the child" before my parents broken. It was in August 10 of the last year. I went to snow with my dad, my older sister, Marcia and my couple, Ian.

I loved this day because I felt peaceful and I spend the best day with my dad of my life <3. On the road We stopped to walk on the snow and Marcia started to play Snow War shooting snow balls to everyone... It was so funny we looked like children, and finally my sister tried to make an angel snow. Marcia took many beautiful pictures to remember this day

We carried on the road... When We arrived to a higher place my dad invited us a hot chocolate in a nice restaurant It was amazing but I wanted an hamburgers whit soda :c

There is a picture of me trying to catch my boyfriend... and my sister trying to make an angel snow


miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

My blog experience

Hi everyone!

Today I will to talk about my blog experience for this semester.

Writing a blog was a new experience for me, I didn’t write in English since my school time. I enjoyed it because I could get better and faster writing just went to class I loved listening music when I was writing in English, It’s a great experience.

If I talk about what dislike me I think in morning lessons and definite matters because sometimes I didn’t know what or who write.

I enjoyed write about my prefer songs, TV series, a holiday and a photograph because I remembered lovely and funny stuffs but I dislike write about my first day at school because I have an awful memory about my childhood.

I think that my English is better but I can’t read much better and this is disturbing. I’m so shy when I try to have an English conversation and I believe that is a problem if I want to get a better English pronunciation.
This is my first university English lesson and I can't compare with other but sincerely I enjoy almost everything.
See u next semester ;)

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domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

My dad

Hi everyone :3!

Today I have to write about someone of my family. I choosed my dad, because he's the most important man on my life <3! His name is Jorge, he have 53 years old and currently live in El Bosque.

My dad is a businessman, since that I can remember he make different business, someone more profitable than others. When I was younger I had many problems because my mom was so jealous but when I grew I started to communicated more with my dad and I discovered that he’s an amazing person.

Since eight months I don’t live with my dad because my parent was separated and I had to stay with my mother because she forced me. My dad is a workaholic men and I don’t see his currently but I love my daddy <3 and I miss his so much.

He always know who say and when he must be quiet, when I have a problem with a daddy’s hug I forgive all my worries and I feel peaceful.

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martes, 10 de junio de 2014

My first day at school

Hi bloggers!

Sorry but… the last Wednesday I had a big migraine and I couldn’t went to class :c!

Today I will talk to you about my first day at school. I went to school when I was five years old in 1998. My first school was located in Llay-Llay but I can’t remember who called it. I lived so close at my school, my house was located near to a railway and when I listened its “choo-choo” sound in the night I felt so afraid.
At first day, when my mom tried to leave in the school with my classmates and my teacher I started to cry, I looked unstoppable but when I started to talk with my classmates I forgiven my mom and she leave me. The first that I learnt was write my name I didn’t know letters but I learnt to identified my cabinet.

I couldn’t made many friends because at middle year I had to move to other city called San Felipe. In this city I assist to a girl’s school and I can’t remember any teacher’s name but I remember that I always had good marks because my mom forced me to study all days.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

A country that I would visit

When I think about a country that I would visit spring a country on my mind, Peru. Why? Peru always looks like an interesting country for me because is a nearby country with a beautiful History and different culture. This country is located at south America and adjoin with Chile, Bolivia, Brazil and Ecuador

 I have two ideal places to visit there : Machu Picchu and Ica. Why Machu Picchu? I think that is a amazing legacy about the old Peru and I always wanted to visit this place. Machu Picchu is the most popular place at Peru and I like to travel "mochileando" at this place <3!.  Ica is my second destiny to visit because is an oasis that was destroy for a earthquake in 2007 and 2 years later this city was completely restore I think that is a amazing city with a big resilience.

There are two pictures. The first about Machu Picchu and the second about Ica's Oasis.


Where it is,
Why you would like to visit it,
What you would like to do there.

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

A holiday

When I have to talk about a special holiday I instantly remember my last vacation with my university friends.

We went to a house of one of them, Cristóbal. He live in Puerto Varas with his family.
When I told my sister about my plan she gift me a ticket plane to travel comfortably from Santiago to Puerto Montt where Father of Cristóbal came to pick up me.

I arrived first than my friends and I Sleep just with a beautiful cat *-*!!. When the others arrived I had to share my room with other 2 girls :c! I felt so sad! But the enjoyment was to started!

The first day We went to know the city, coffee shops and traditional stuffs. We ate an amazing hot chocolate and French fries with them. I don't remember the order but We went to the lake Llanquihue to swim but water was so cold!, after that We did a travel in car with my friend parents to know The Osorno Volcano, on the road we knew Todos Los Santos Lake and Petrohué Waterfalls. In the last place that I mention I found a rare bug for me called Tábano and I discovered that I have phobia, a real phobia, but when we arrived to Volcano everything was right and We did a bit of trekking.

My story finish here because I don't remember more details about this holiday, but It was a beautiful two weeks with my friends.

This is a picture on Petrohué Waterfalls with The Volcano behind us.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

A song

Hi bloggers!

Today I will talk about my prefer song :)! It's from my prefer band called Rata Blanca and my prefer song is Mujer Amante. My prefers songs tend to be rock and folk genre, but I enjoy different types of music too. Mujer Amante belong to Power ballad Genre. This song is about a men talking about a mysterious woman with certain magic to he. I really love this song because it have beautiful lyrics and a amazing instrumental accompaniment that immerse myself.

 I listen it first in 2007 when I know my boyfriend, this song means much for me because this year and this song marked my life. This year I started to heard many types of genre like various types of metal, rock, jazz, folk and some classics songs. Two or three years later grow inside me interest for symphony and similar music.

I let you a video from youtube with my song. Enjoy it! <3!


miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

A beach

Good morning classmates!

I don't go to any beach since 2010 but this year my prefer beach was Chinchorro, located in Arica so close of my old vacation home. Before 2010 I was going all years in January and February. Actually I don't go to Arica for economic troubles.

I usually visited this beach because it was crystal water, nice people and milk with mango!!! I love milk with mango! all store near to beach sell this. Chinchorro also have many tourist and interesting people.

In 2010 was jellyfish plague and we can found many corpse of them in coast and it was so unpleasant because I crush accidental many jellyfish.

When my parents bought the old department my mother be celebrating his birthday, we don't had any furniture and we did a camping inside with a curtain as a tablecloth, with balloon and a birthday cake. My mother looks so happy and we enjoy it so much. Early we went to the beach like a family and next day our beds arrived with another stuffs.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

A TV Show You Watched When You Were Young

Hi bloggers!

Today I will talk about a tv show called Supernatural . I started to watching it when I was twelve years old. It is about two brothers, called Sam and Dean Winchester, with a especial job, they defeat the world from demons, ghosts, werewolf and all mythology monster that we can know. In the beginning they only fight with demons or ghost but in the next seasons we can see how two brothers stopped the apocalypses risking their lives to save the world and their old life. Later their old friends becomes in their worst enemies and they must to with falling angels that only want erase humanity from the earth. Actually Supernatural has eight seasons finished and the ninth still on air.

I enjoy this series because it was suspense, drama, love and action besides It is unpredictable and so funny; and has beautiful actors!

Two months ago I watched Supernatural with mi middle sister like a marathon, It was funny but I prefer see at my rhythm.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

A photograph

Hi Classmates!
In this opportunity I will talk about a family photograph. I didn't remember when it was taken but I supposed it was taken around twenty years ago. Here we can see two little girls and one baby, that's baby it's me!!. Another two girls are my sisters, in the center is Marcia, she actually have twenty seven years, on the left Teresa, middle sister, and me, just a little baby. We are sitting on a old couch that I never see or I can't remember in some familiar house. I don't know who takes this picture, I supposed it was mom or dad but I'm not sure. When I see this picture only that I think is I lover it!. I really love this photograph because there being the most important women of my life, my two sisters.
People says we are identical sisters and family always talk about it, but I don't see important some like this, actually I think we are so different probably for years difference or something else.
I hope that you like mi description about this picture.
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miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

In the second class of English III, the professor request that all classmate write a little review about a good friend.

 I haven't much important friends, Dahyane is one of them. We meet in 2007 at a school. She's mi best friend since 2007.She is a amazing person and I love her like a sister. She's a student of School of Laws of Universidad de Chile and she is a brilliant student.

If we talk about her we can say Dahyane is nice. Physically she's a pretty girl: is tall, blond and slim. Her personality it's hard to describe. She's funny but tiresome too. She's always smile even when she's sad or tired.

Usually we don't see frequently because we are a busy women. We usually meet on especial days like Birthdays or New year, but sometimes we have a party together only to see us and talk about life.

She has many problemas with her family just like me and i think we are so crazy, but the life it's more funny being crazy.