domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

My dad

Hi everyone :3!

Today I have to write about someone of my family. I choosed my dad, because he's the most important man on my life <3! His name is Jorge, he have 53 years old and currently live in El Bosque.

My dad is a businessman, since that I can remember he make different business, someone more profitable than others. When I was younger I had many problems because my mom was so jealous but when I grew I started to communicated more with my dad and I discovered that he’s an amazing person.

Since eight months I don’t live with my dad because my parent was separated and I had to stay with my mother because she forced me. My dad is a workaholic men and I don’t see his currently but I love my daddy <3 and I miss his so much.

He always know who say and when he must be quiet, when I have a problem with a daddy’s hug I forgive all my worries and I feel peaceful.

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