miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

A photograph

Hi Classmates!
In this opportunity I will talk about a family photograph. I didn't remember when it was taken but I supposed it was taken around twenty years ago. Here we can see two little girls and one baby, that's baby it's me!!. Another two girls are my sisters, in the center is Marcia, she actually have twenty seven years, on the left Teresa, middle sister, and me, just a little baby. We are sitting on a old couch that I never see or I can't remember in some familiar house. I don't know who takes this picture, I supposed it was mom or dad but I'm not sure. When I see this picture only that I think is I lover it!. I really love this photograph because there being the most important women of my life, my two sisters.
People says we are identical sisters and family always talk about it, but I don't see important some like this, actually I think we are so different probably for years difference or something else.
I hope that you like mi description about this picture.
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