martes, 10 de junio de 2014

My first day at school

Hi bloggers!

Sorry but… the last Wednesday I had a big migraine and I couldn’t went to class :c!

Today I will talk to you about my first day at school. I went to school when I was five years old in 1998. My first school was located in Llay-Llay but I can’t remember who called it. I lived so close at my school, my house was located near to a railway and when I listened its “choo-choo” sound in the night I felt so afraid.
At first day, when my mom tried to leave in the school with my classmates and my teacher I started to cry, I looked unstoppable but when I started to talk with my classmates I forgiven my mom and she leave me. The first that I learnt was write my name I didn’t know letters but I learnt to identified my cabinet.

I couldn’t made many friends because at middle year I had to move to other city called San Felipe. In this city I assist to a girl’s school and I can’t remember any teacher’s name but I remember that I always had good marks because my mom forced me to study all days.

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