miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

A beach

Good morning classmates!

I don't go to any beach since 2010 but this year my prefer beach was Chinchorro, located in Arica so close of my old vacation home. Before 2010 I was going all years in January and February. Actually I don't go to Arica for economic troubles.

I usually visited this beach because it was crystal water, nice people and milk with mango!!! I love milk with mango! all store near to beach sell this. Chinchorro also have many tourist and interesting people.

In 2010 was jellyfish plague and we can found many corpse of them in coast and it was so unpleasant because I crush accidental many jellyfish.

When my parents bought the old department my mother be celebrating his birthday, we don't had any furniture and we did a camping inside with a curtain as a tablecloth, with balloon and a birthday cake. My mother looks so happy and we enjoy it so much. Early we went to the beach like a family and next day our beds arrived with another stuffs.

2 comentarios:

  1. I went to Arica in 2001 but I couldn't go to the beach because of the "Bolivian Winter".

  2. Ohh... it's sad because it's leave a muddy sea
