miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

A holiday

When I have to talk about a special holiday I instantly remember my last vacation with my university friends.

We went to a house of one of them, Cristóbal. He live in Puerto Varas with his family.
When I told my sister about my plan she gift me a ticket plane to travel comfortably from Santiago to Puerto Montt where Father of Cristóbal came to pick up me.

I arrived first than my friends and I Sleep just with a beautiful cat *-*!!. When the others arrived I had to share my room with other 2 girls :c! I felt so sad! But the enjoyment was to started!

The first day We went to know the city, coffee shops and traditional stuffs. We ate an amazing hot chocolate and French fries with them. I don't remember the order but We went to the lake Llanquihue to swim but water was so cold!, after that We did a travel in car with my friend parents to know The Osorno Volcano, on the road we knew Todos Los Santos Lake and Petrohué Waterfalls. In the last place that I mention I found a rare bug for me called Tábano and I discovered that I have phobia, a real phobia, but when we arrived to Volcano everything was right and We did a bit of trekking.

My story finish here because I don't remember more details about this holiday, but It was a beautiful two weeks with my friends.

This is a picture on Petrohué Waterfalls with The Volcano behind us.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

A song

Hi bloggers!

Today I will talk about my prefer song :)! It's from my prefer band called Rata Blanca and my prefer song is Mujer Amante. My prefers songs tend to be rock and folk genre, but I enjoy different types of music too. Mujer Amante belong to Power ballad Genre. This song is about a men talking about a mysterious woman with certain magic to he. I really love this song because it have beautiful lyrics and a amazing instrumental accompaniment that immerse myself.

 I listen it first in 2007 when I know my boyfriend, this song means much for me because this year and this song marked my life. This year I started to heard many types of genre like various types of metal, rock, jazz, folk and some classics songs. Two or three years later grow inside me interest for symphony and similar music.

I let you a video from youtube with my song. Enjoy it! <3!


miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

A beach

Good morning classmates!

I don't go to any beach since 2010 but this year my prefer beach was Chinchorro, located in Arica so close of my old vacation home. Before 2010 I was going all years in January and February. Actually I don't go to Arica for economic troubles.

I usually visited this beach because it was crystal water, nice people and milk with mango!!! I love milk with mango! all store near to beach sell this. Chinchorro also have many tourist and interesting people.

In 2010 was jellyfish plague and we can found many corpse of them in coast and it was so unpleasant because I crush accidental many jellyfish.

When my parents bought the old department my mother be celebrating his birthday, we don't had any furniture and we did a camping inside with a curtain as a tablecloth, with balloon and a birthday cake. My mother looks so happy and we enjoy it so much. Early we went to the beach like a family and next day our beds arrived with another stuffs.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

A TV Show You Watched When You Were Young

Hi bloggers!

Today I will talk about a tv show called Supernatural . I started to watching it when I was twelve years old. It is about two brothers, called Sam and Dean Winchester, with a especial job, they defeat the world from demons, ghosts, werewolf and all mythology monster that we can know. In the beginning they only fight with demons or ghost but in the next seasons we can see how two brothers stopped the apocalypses risking their lives to save the world and their old life. Later their old friends becomes in their worst enemies and they must to with falling angels that only want erase humanity from the earth. Actually Supernatural has eight seasons finished and the ninth still on air.

I enjoy this series because it was suspense, drama, love and action besides It is unpredictable and so funny; and has beautiful actors!

Two months ago I watched Supernatural with mi middle sister like a marathon, It was funny but I prefer see at my rhythm.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

A photograph

Hi Classmates!
In this opportunity I will talk about a family photograph. I didn't remember when it was taken but I supposed it was taken around twenty years ago. Here we can see two little girls and one baby, that's baby it's me!!. Another two girls are my sisters, in the center is Marcia, she actually have twenty seven years, on the left Teresa, middle sister, and me, just a little baby. We are sitting on a old couch that I never see or I can't remember in some familiar house. I don't know who takes this picture, I supposed it was mom or dad but I'm not sure. When I see this picture only that I think is I lover it!. I really love this photograph because there being the most important women of my life, my two sisters.
People says we are identical sisters and family always talk about it, but I don't see important some like this, actually I think we are so different probably for years difference or something else.
I hope that you like mi description about this picture.
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