miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Free post

Hi bloggers!

This night I will write about my new hobby, Cooking :3!! I always wanted learnt to cook because I really love eat but I never had a good inspiration.

I started cooking salad potatoes with mayonnaise and tomatoes with onions because it was my fancy. Later I asked to my middle sister tough me how to cook health food and I learnt many things.

When I was 15 years old I used to cook with my best friend before afternoon class but It was insufficient I wished made desserts. The next year I started a relationship and It was the incentive that I need to improve my skills! Christmas was coming and I needed a special gift. A good friend taught me who make tasty cookies and I suit well with my boyfriend and my family, even now my sister asked me every month my special cookies.

Before that I learnt to cook many desserts with my boyfriend help and his family and my family enjoyed it too much :)! They always bought all ingredients to my desserts *-*! and It was so flattering.

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